Monday, December 6, 2010

Back into shape

So yesterday morning at 8:00 am I went for a jog. Well, it was really more of a walk than a jog, as I haven't been keeping up with keeping in shape as well as i should.
So yesterday morning I got a chance to be by myself and think. I started to wonder what I have been feeling these past few days, since I've been feeling a bit out of it, an dI think I discovered what it is. I think I have the 'i-don't-care' feeling, like everything around me is changing, and I can't do a thing to stop it. I would give anything to do these past few days differently, but I can't. And it was really nice to get out for a walk as well. It was at 8, so the sun was just coming up, and everything was quiet. Peaceful. People were starting to get up for work, even though it was sunday. I felt at peace, like, for the next hour I am the only one who can control my fate; nothing around me can change, unless I let it. I can walk this way, or I can walk that way, I get to decide where I go, and how long I can disappear from the world. It was like my own time. And it felt good. Personally, I think from now on, I'd be waking up a bit earlier, like at 7, since it's still dark out, and thats when there is a better chance of not being recognized. I live in a small town, and one of the few things that actually stops me from going out jogging is the fear of being recognized. I graduated about a year and a hald ago, and I hate the fact that i am still stuck in this old town. In about a week and a half, I will be moving to Vancouver to live with relatives, and I am completely overjoyed with that fact that I will not be in this old town anymore. I hate being the only girl out of all of my old friends who still hasn't moved on yet.

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