Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I give you....the most whiniest roommate

this was left by my roommate a few days ago, and i was, and still am, completed horrified and appalled that she thinks she can treat me like that!
I am a clean, and neat person, and she's the messy one. HERES THE PROOF!!
this is her mess:
ps: those dishes have been sitting there for at least 2 days now. EEWWWWWWWW!!!!!


I swear if she isn't gone by the end of the year, ill move myself. I can't live with her anymore; every time i leave a room, i always have to look over my shoulder to see if everything is par to her standards. Im sick of having to follow her rules. IM SICK OF IT!!!
anyways, had very little today, lots of water, but my foot hurts SO bad from walking, which is weird since i didn't really walk as far as i normally do on other days.

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