Monday, November 21, 2011


I am appalled at how messy and inconsiderate my roommate is. She won't clean the kitchen, nor will she take out the garbage.
But i don't want to dampen my day anymore, so ill write some good news down.
Ive lost about 6 pounds, to now be at 124-123 pounds! Bad news is that it took a couple of months. I should be losing it faster, i know.
Anyways, got she test results back from school, and it seems I'm currently only really good at the business class. I usually always add up my test marks, just in case, and, haha, i found that the teacher had put 67, when it was really 77. Thats a B+!! that kind of make my day, and i was happy for a while, until i found that i sucked at all the other classes. So i have made it my priority to study and ace a retail buying test i have this friday. I really nervous. I should know this stuff, this math, but for some reason, it doesn't stick. I don't think the teacher likes me either. I hate when you get the feeling that the teacher doesn't like you; its like you feel like they are just rooting for you to fail. And that certainly does not make the class any better than it already is. :(
Ive made my flight plans, and so I'm going further north to visit family this Christmas. Im really looking forward to seeing the snow. Lots of it. Like up to your mid-thigh length, or even more. Im really excited to see it again, as i don't think we really get any where i live now, though we did have a little snowfall the other day, but never like the snowfall the happens up north where i used to live where about mid-November we'd get a huge dump, like a full day-and-a-half of snow, and that snow would stay. Before that, we'd get little snowfalls, but nothing that would still be there by lunch time the next day.
Ive tried to clean up the apartment a bit, since my roommate clearly hasn't even tried. Theres still stains on the counter from two days ago!!
All that I'm looking forward to is this weekend, when she's out of town. Then i have the place all to myself. Ive planned a dinner on Friday. Either pizza or sushi. Probably sushi, as pizza is like...zits and calories. yuck. Plus I've recently found a good sushi place nearby, where i can order online, and on the way home - i take the bus and sky train - i can pick it up. yumyum

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