Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ignore if you hate ranting

its 1.20 in the morning and I can't sleep; i keep thinking about how much of a failure i am.
My sisters prom was this past weekend; she wore a pink champagne strapless dress, with black heels. I felt horrible about how my dress was picked by my mother, but my sister got to wear what she wanted.
I would've given anything in the world to be able to wear heels, but my mother wouldn't let me; she came up with the excuse that she wasn't going to pay more than 100.
I just wish i had broken away ffrom her, and become my own person; i am now starting to truly relize how much my mother rules my life. though it may not seem like it at all, she really does control a lot. she keeps telling me that i should come up with a plan about what im doing in the fall, but Im not sure if i should; she'll just keep convincing me that i shouldn't do this, or i should do that. I scared that when I tell her my final decision, she'll make me doubt everything about it.

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