Thursday, May 12, 2011

125 lbs.

Its been a while since I posted last, and truth is, that Ive been so busy. I don't know if I mentioned that I got a job last month, so I'm working 5 days a week, 32 hours/week. It's a fast food restaurant, but not fried food from McDonalds, it's fresh sandwiches, and coffee, but is also has things like donuts. I feel good about having the job, I get a little extra money in my pocket, and I'm standing all day, so at least I'm burning more than if I didn't have a job.
I weighed myself two days ago, at my mothers friends house. I rarely do get to weigh myself since I don't own my own scale, and so I only get to weigh myself when I can find a weighscale. So I weighed myself, and turns out I am 125 lbs. Which is okay, I guess, But not great, and not what I want.
I looked at a old picture today, one that was taken a year and a half ago, and the moment I saw it, i was completely embarrassed that that was me; in the picture my hair looked completely dull, my face was fat, and what i was word: YUCK!!
And I still even wear that same jacket that looks ugly, and is like 4 years old. So I threw it out, with the tiniest bit of remorse, but also with pride. Pride that, knowing I will now most certainly have to get a new jacket.
Anyways, I ll be going, I just wanted to do a quick update post, so that noone will think i've given up (I MOST CERTAINLY HAVE NOT GIVEN UP), or that i died, which, i haven't.
This is goodbye, until next time I write.

Stay strong and thin my friends!

Love, love, love

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