Saturday, February 27, 2010

So Confused

Okay, so yesterday as me and my dad were driving back home from a 4 hour trip to the dentist, he talked about the future. Snooze-alert, but he suddenly said that mom kicked him out of the house because she was sick and tired of hearing him talk about how the world is going to be financially in trouble soon.
Seriously, isn't marriage about love, not money.
Sure, yeah, I mean, money probably was the only reason anyone ever married - like 75 years ago. Now everyone can choose who to marry without any limitations from family.
So why would mom kick someone out of the house, just because of money, and then divorce because of money.
Someone who does that is not happy with themsevles - marriage is about love, and sticking through all the hard times - not about how much money everyone has!
I was COMPLETELY appalled that my mother was selfish enough to even consider divorcing someone about money. Even is she wasn't married, she would still be fine, she has a good paying job and is financially stable.

What is the world coming to????


1 comment:

  1. :( my parents have been on the brink of divorce since the day they got married. my mom has recently been threatening to leave my dad, take my other two sisters and leave me behind. i know it's not exactly the same, but when it comes to parental drama, i feel your pain.

    stay strong. it's all gonna be okay in the end.
