Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Woke up late today, did chores around house - vacuuming, dishes, etc.
For dinner made 2 slices of bacon, 1 pc of toast, and 1 cup of ceasar salad. Except for the salad, everything else mostly ended up in tissue, as i didn't really want to swallow. New method: 'chew and spit.' Sounds gross, but at least i won't gain.
I am now testing my willpower.
1. Am to lose a minimum of 5 pounds within a month.
2. Drink at least 50 oz. of water per day.
3. Absolutely NO candy, ice cream, or sweets.
4. Cannot eat any more that 800 kcal a day.
5. EXERCISE, lose that weight!!

The test is on. Let's hope I have more willpower than I thought.
Also had one cup of tea w/ milk and sugar. I know i shouldn't have had it, but its what keeps me going, and warms me up in the cold weather.

Stay strong, and cheers to willpower!!


1 comment:

  1. stay strong, im trying to stay under 800 cals every day too and work out. if i can do it, you can too! good luck babe xx
