Saturday, October 22, 2011

Isn't it weird that whenever something good happens, it always seems as if something bad happens that brings you back to where you started, where you hated yourself again?
well, this past few days have been okay, I've been going to school, i went shopping and got new clothes, and on sale no less.
But last night, when i came home, i found this on the bathroom counter. it was a note from my roommate saying some...things that can't be true, since a lot of them, I've been doing right. For instance, she states that she seems to be taking out the trash, when she hardly ever uses it. WEll, she's been gone the last two weekends, coming home way late on sunday night, so to think that she would even be able to take the trash out at 11 at night....absurd. No, I am the one who is taking the trash out on sunday night, making sure that I've checked the kitchen for trash, and the bathroom bin. I can't believe she had the nerve to write that. The idea that maybe she's talking about some other trash, like what she keeps somewhere else, came to mind, but i do take everything out. I DO!
She also wrote a whole half a page paragraph about how she's taken food safe, and how she's finding some of the dishes still sticky, with huge smudges on them, and 'splots' on the cups.
Firstly, splots isn't even a word, secondly, you should really see this girls vocal. It sucks! Thirdly, i don't really care if she's taken food safe, i have as well; i know how hot the water needs to be, i know how to clean dishes, I've been doing it for the past three years. She also gets as into tiny details like writing how the washcloth should not be balled up, as bacteria can get in.....well, I'm not stupid, i know what happens. I don't ball it up every time i use it; ill admit that maybe I've done it a few times, but most of the time, i wring it out, and put it over between the two sinks.
Now I'm starting to seriously regret getting a place with a roommate, i didn;t think it would be so hard. no wait, not hard, but now its like everything i do is to impress her, and for what? just so she can believe she's better than me???
now this will be rude, so don't read if you don't want to:
but, she's the one on student loan, she's the one who eats things like tortilla chips, and meat, and drinks coke like theres no tomorrow. Im the one who drinks water, oj, and maybe choc. milk every once in a while; I'm the one who has ALL of her school expenses paid, I'm the one who is doing well at my classes, and I am the one who isn't watching tv all the time. Im not the one who leaves her things in the dryer, and when i say things i mean underwear. seriously, when i want to dry my clothes that i have just washed, i want to be able to put them in the dryer without too much of a hassle.


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