Wednesday, January 26, 2011


hello to all those who are reading this.

I feel like im stuck, stuck and not getting anywhere.
Good news today is, I got new journals, so I will be writing in them, so I can write everything, like what i eat, how much, and exercise, and what not.
I have a updating photo on how much progress I have made, though I warn, it is unfortunately not much at all.

While finding other blogs, I have found this pic, that I really like, which is called "2011: year of the gap". I find it really symbolizes what, to me, this year is all about. Getting thin, and doing whatever it takes to get there.

Credit to whoever did this photo.
I printed it and put it up, for thinspiration.
Diet starts tomorrow, I will be eating food that contains hardly any salt/sodium in an attempt to greatly lessen my intake. For those of you who are going to prom, and want a smaller tummy, do not eat sodium. I will alsi be eating VERY low carb food (as, from the research I have done lately, it appears everything has carbs) So whatever I eat has, like, NO carbs.
I just hope I can stick to it.
Good luck everyone

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