Tuesday, July 13, 2010

From bad to worse

You know that expression 'How could it get any worse?'; the one you use when everything seems to be bad, but once you say it, it gets worse. Well, my life now has gone from bad to worse.
My mom has now just told my sister and me that we're moving. She can't afford the house, and shuffling snow, and wood for the wood stove seems like too much for her. I keep asking where we'll go once we're out of the house, but she doesn't know yet. That's what always bugs me. No matter where you live, at least once in someone's life they move; i hate moving, it's like there isn't a place in the world that I can ever truly call home.
So now currently I'm jobless, and now maybe temporaryily homeless.
I know it's weird when I post stuff about how bad my life is, when it's better than some. But I really don't like talking to therapists (thank god i don't anymore)- they give you answers like asking people things, that you would never ask. My mother has made me talk to at least 3, when there never was anything wrong with me inthe first place. And they never seem in understand; all they seem to do is sit there, ask you questions, and then write it down, and you get the feeling like their judging you, when, clearly, they shouldn't. I mean, everyone has secrets. Anyway, not knowing who i'm talking to kind of helps; I get annonymity, and i don't have people constantly judging me.
So by the end of the summer, I'll be living somewhere else, most likely in a rented apartment, where you can't een stick a nail in the wall. It's like I'll be living in a temporary home.
Anyway, hope everyone is good. Hope summer is treating everyone well, and good luck in your endeavors.


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