Thursday, December 22, 2011

my christmas has sucked so far. I'm at my moms house, and stuck here with nothing to do. My sister has been out all day with friends, but since i don't really have any, I've been stuck here for the past two days.
Since me or my sister won't be with my dad for christmas, we opened our presents on the 19th; i got some keurig stuff, a gift card, an owl, some other stuff; except for the keurig stuff, my sister got basically the same, except she also got a kobo, this reader thing. I looked it up, and saw that it was 130.
Okay, i know, i shouldn't feel like this, but i suppose i should've half expected it, that my sister would always get the better side of things. She always does. But when it happens, its always still a shock. I know i shouldn't be saying this, its the thought that counts for these gifts, but knowing that my parents will always be spending more time, and money on my sister, it makes me sad. makes me sad, wondering if ill ever find anything really worth living for.
No, i will never commit suicide, there is still too much beauty in the world that i have yet to discover, but i wonder if ill find anything that will last, not something that will last for 6 seconds and be gone, but the kind of thing that lasts for years. That kind of thing.
To sum it up, my christmas so far has SUCKED.
oh yeah, and did i mention....i gained 3 pounds.

hope everyone else's christmas has been better :)

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