Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hey everyone reading this.
I know i havne't really been writing much over the last couple of months. I've just been kind of busy trying to sort everything.
Summer is just a month away and i'm hoping to be much thinner and more fit then. I only have a month left to do that, so I've been trying to get my a** out for a jog more than i usually would.

Over the next few weeks, I have learned that now, if i want to go to a good college/university, i may have to upgrade a few of my classes from high school.
It's no secret, i was miserable in high school, and basically sometimes my grades would be not satisfactory, but thank god i didn't fail anything. Basically when i liked a subject I would do good in it, but if i didn't like the class, I wouldn't do good, like Math, and Science. I did like History, and English Literature, Foods, and Art. So i guess that's good. And besides the fact that I would have to miss a few classes for trips to the dentist that is four hours ago. (orthodonticts, that's why i don't go to the normal dentist where I live) So i have to upgrade one class.

Gosh, this must seem like ramblings.

Anyway, i may not be able to post many updates.
Hope everyone is good.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

When is my mother finally going to realize that not everything is about her?
Talking about me going to to college, and she brings up herself, saying that she's still ging to school. I DN'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HER!!! well, yeah, talking about college, but not her. I know what she thinks. she already has a perfect daughter, my sister, so why try to fix me, when theres no point, she already has a perfect one?

why does everything have to be about everyone else?
Maybe that's why i like being damaged...because sooner or later everone will notice, and by then it'll be too late, and then they'll realize how stupid they were.



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Its been a while...

Well, it's been a while since Ive been writing. Everything been a little weird the past couple of weeks. I've mainly been visiting Pretty Thin; not much has happened.

Jobless, and lonely, and bored all the time is really...boring.
Probably haven't lost any weight i a while, but now that all the people who were away at college are coming back now, i'll be doing more jogging, jump rope, and losing weight; also dieting. If everything goes according to plan, i hope i'll be thin enough by july.
I was on Pretty Thin a couple of days ago when i saw that someone had put 4 words into their 'about me' thing. they were 'The Pretty Little Liars.' i thought about it, and when I think of it, it kind of makes sense. We all lie to get to perfection, to achieve something that seems to far off, and to feel more than just 'me'. (if that makes any sense at all).
so now I have kind of nicknames myself, the pretty little liar, a code name so that my parents or friends don't know that i'm talking about Ana.
Anyway, i hope to be writing again soon, and most likely have a job by then.

hope everyone is good
