Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's been a while

Hey everyone! I'm back!
I know it has been a while since i last posted, and i must say, that i feel better than i ever have when i was writing previous entires.
Okay, so i have been writing EVERYTHING down that i eat, and everyday for the past 4 days, i have been going out and excerising. Mostly just biking half an hour, and jogging for 30 minutes, except that last night my hip started to hurt for some strange unknown reason, and i had to walk the last 8 minutes. I think my hip started to hurt because of a small accident i had a few years ago. About 3-4 years ago, when i was like in grade 9 or something, where I live we have a mountain which is like a ski hill, and pratically everyone who lives here has been 'up on the hill' as least once or twice. So, younger grades in my 8-12 grade high school, lets kids from grade 8-9 go up 3 times between January and February, just for a few fun days. So when i was in grade 9, i fell down a small hill, and i think my hip landed awkardly onto my ski, and so it hurt for a while. It hasn't bothered my, except that my back hurts on and off rarely, but it happens, and when it does, it really hurts, like i can't lie straight on my back.
So last night, i had to cut my jog short because of my hip, and now today it hurts like its bruised or something. I think i'm gonna have to go to the doctor. It's kind of freaking me out, i mean, something doesn't just hurt for no reason, right?

Anyway, so i have been keeping track of what i have been eating, and it really does all add up. So, i count the food i've ate, then the excerise i've done, and then -150 for a normal day. Then i add and subtract, all that stuff, and the number that i get is what i write down on a calendar i made, and then i add all the numbers up from everyday, and see how many calories i've eaten, blah,blah,blah. Okay so within the last 5 days i've had -get ready-....5049 calories.
So that number will flextuate, but my goal is to get it to a negative number, and burn all calories. Let me say, that is ALOT of exercise, but to be honset, i'm kind of looking forward to it.
For 3 years now, i have been SO concerned about my weight, and now i'm actually doing something about it.

Anyway, hope you are all well.


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