Friday, January 22, 2010


Hey everyone!!

So i have been away for a few weeks, i know, but hopefully i'm back, and will try to keep updating as soon as I can.
So last week I went to Vancouver to visit friends and family, and my aunt had a weigh scale in her bathroom, so for the first time in about 2 years, I weighed myself.
I am about 20 pounds lighter that I had originally thought.
I thought I was about 145, but it turns about I'm like, 125.
So i have only gained about 7 pounds in the last 3 years.

My ultimate goal is to weigh somewhere between 105-110.
It will take ALOt of will power to go jogging, and even when it's icy outside, but I know that when I start seeing results, it will be COMPLETELY be worth it.

Around Monday thru Wednesday, I was totally careless (stupid, i know) about what i ate. But i know have a calorie book (THANK GOD!!!), so now even when i go to a restaurant i can look up the calories in the food.

Hopefully that will put me back on track.

I watched a program on Youtube about a newsreporter that tryed to get super slim, and she lost like pounds in the first week. Anyway, maybe i can take a few tips for her.!!!!

Anyway, hope that everyone is doing better than me.

Stay thin and strong pretties!!!



So over the next few months, to track my progress, and SEE the results, i will track EVERYTHING in every (or nearly every) post that i put up. ( i just hope i put the measurements up right). Oh gosh, everything will seem HUGE in the beginning!!!

Weight: 126
Waist: 31 in
Hips: 35 in
Bust: 35.5? in

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