Wednesday, December 5, 2012

More Question

I'll be honest, i like answering questionnaires like this.  Its makes me think about my life and everything.

1. What starsign are you?
     Im...cancer, which i think is a lobster or something.  

2. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Easy.  Back in my hometown, there's this pizza restaurant, famous in our hometown, and they sell a pizza called 'chicken blanco'.  It has tomatoes, olives, cheese, chicken, this crust thats to die for, and instead of pizza sauce, its like this ranch sauce.  I LOVE it!! Except i always get it without onions.

3. What three items would you bring to a desert island
    1- a phone to call people, and to call for help
    2 - a journal, to write.
    3- a knife, so i can make a spear to catch fish, and catch food.  so i won't die

4. Have you ever been in love?
    Probably not, don't think so.  Ive never been in a relationship, which, at 21, is depressing, but i still have time.  Besides family, no i have not.

5. what is your party trick?
   Its not really a party trick, but something along the lines of Mia Thermopolis before she was a princess: 'being invisible'.  its like nobody even cares or sees me at a party.  I guess you can get everyones secrets being that way tho.

6.  Who is your hero?
    I don't really have a true hero, maybe like two: audrey hepburn, she was kind, unselfish, helped others, and never spent more than she needed.  Anne Frank, because, even when things were the worst, she always seemed to look for the positive.  (yes, she was trapped in a extremely small house, but at least she was alive, and with her family; and she knew that)  And she always tried to see the best in people.  She was a kind human being.

7.  What actress would play you in a movie about your life?
    Its not really an actress, but one character springs to mind; the person, parker, from the show leverage.  She baffles me, she seems weird, but at the same time, shes like me; mysterious and weird, no one gets her, but at the end of the day, she makes sense.
As a legit actress...i can't actually picture someone else playing me.

8. Do you prefer giving or recieving gifts?
a little of both; seeing the expression of their faces, as well as having more crap to return and exchange (last part a joke, but i never really get what i ask for, so im like rachel green, in the sense that i would return it if it sucks, and get something better; id rather like it, than have it be something i hate, and keep in a box)

9. What is your motto?
I don't really have one that i stick to, but like, be happy, live life.  When your old, and telling stories, be the main character in the stories - live your life.  Everyday.

10. What is your lowest goal weight?
its always been around 105 - 100.

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