Wednesday, March 16, 2011

so now im am starting more 'today' posts about what ive eaten, because, frankly, that's the best way to go.
today i have had:
1 cup coffee w/ milk and sugar
1/2 cup KD mac & cheese
1 cup green tea

So apparently, when I researched green tea, it can help burn fat. It lowers cholesterol, and, weirdly enough, can aid in weight loss. I think its fascinating how one cup of tea can aid anyone in losing weight, thus, becoming healthier.
Last night I was on Twitter, and I found some food facts, that are both-sided, ones that can make me think food is GROSS, and some that can make me think food is good:

1. On average, a person will spend a total of five years, eating during his or her lifetime.
2. 1 out of every 4 kids in the USA are overweight!
3. The smell of apples or bananas can help you lose weight!
4. Every day, 7% of the US, about 21,840,000 people, eat at McDonald's. GROSS!
5. The average chocolate bar, has about 8 insects' legs in it!
6. Apples, are more efficient than caffeine, at waking you up in the morning!
7. During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of anbout 6 elephants.
8. Formaldehyde is the stinky liquid that's used to preserve dead labortory animals. This chemical is what the artificial sweetener aspartame, breaks down into after being eaten.
9. Two 12-ounce servings of freshly juiced apples, pears, carrots, celery, and leafy greens can produce the same effect as twice the dosing recommendation of a laxative!

Yum. Personally, I don't think I would ever want to take a laxative, so I could freshly juice vegetables and fruit to get the same effect, but twice that as a laxative! Cool.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Finally warmer weather

Finally warmer weather to be joggin in.
Winter is starting to leave, and that means its workout season; time to work off all those pounds and fat i've been gaining throughtout the winter. Time to go jogging every morning, and night, and time to get ready for bikini season. For the past few years, every summer, I've been hiding my body away, because, compared to those skinny girls at the mall, i'm ginormous. This year i WILL make sure, is COMPLETELY different.
Anyways, I dont think ill be going down south this summer, as my father isn't going that way, and even if my mother goes and visits family down there, won't be going. I still can't seem to even think of my grandmother after what she did to me.

Let me just sum things up: im the type of girl that sets a goal of diet and exercise, but fails miserably only a few days later. I don't think I've ever been on a diet for more than a few days, which is pathetic, I know.
I just hope this time I can keep it up; I've posted pictures of thin, so if I even feel a little bit tempted to eat a cookie, I will think twice about it.
Unlike the previous diets I have been on, ones that i made for myself, I did not have what I now call a "binge day". With some diets, they can practically carb/calorie -starve you into such desperation, that taking a cookie is most likely to happen. But this time, I am making a day where I can have what I want; obv. with restrictions, but on that day I can have one or two extra things in my diet that I wouldn't even dare have the rest of the week. I have named it: 'Binge-day-Saturday.' Basically I found this video on youtube, where this pro-ana girl would starve herself for the week, but then on Saturday she would allow herself a little extra, so that she wouldn't eat everything in sight after two weeks of dieting.
Anyway, of course with every diet, I am setting myself some rules. Yes, they are extreme, but in the end, the results are all that matter. Basically, my goal is to be thinner and way less than my sister (who weighs about 115 right now, i think; she goes to the gym 3x/week, for hour and a half, so i goal if to beat that, so to exercise more than 4.5 hours a week), and weigh like 105, or 110, or something like that.
So here are some rules:
1. No more than 500 cals per day (for the week thats 3500 per, which is equal to one pound in calories) (LOOK AT #5 for SATURDAY)
2. No food with added sugar; basically no pop, chocolate, ice cream, donuts, cake, etc.
3. Anything with grains, HAS to be whole wheat, so whole-wheat pasta, whole-wheat bread, etc
4. Exercise AT LEAST 1 1/2 hours every day, (enough to equal more than 5 hours per week)
5. On Saturday, no more than 800-850, as long as ALL is burned off; if anything has sugar, I only have a 1-hour time frame to eat it in the whole day, between 12-1, to eat that.
6. NO meat; for one, it's disgusting to eat flesh, two, being vegetarian is BETTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.
7. Fruits and veggies now become my best friend.
8. NO DAIRY, with a few exceptions; ONLY milk, and yoghurt is fine, but no ice cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.

9. Believe that you CAN, and ALWAYS have thinsporation around, so you'll NEVER be tempted.

If anyone else is going to be on a diet for bikini-season as well, good luck to everyone, and may we all be better than those skinny bitches, as by then, hopefully, we'll be the THINNEST!!!!!!!!!

(I'm following these rules at least till the end of April, and by then I have done very well, then I can reasses, and assign new rules, or keep it the way is is)

Hopefully I will post at least every week about my progress. I may not be able to post my weight, as I currently do not own a scale.

Good Luck Everyone!!!
