Friday, April 9, 2010

'Let It Go To Your Thighs First'

That's what my sister said, when i told her that I couldn't go for a jog yet.
I said that i had just eaten a little bit of popcorn, and am now waiting for my stomach to settle, because whenever i run after eating, my stomach gets sore. She said, "Okay, fine, let it go to your thighs first!"
From now on, i will jog at 8:00 in the morning, and 11:00 in the morning, and 9:oo at night. (AND I will eat NOTHING!!) Hopefully by the end of the month I will be in tip top shape.

Anyone wanna join me???


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oh My Gosh, it's been SO long!

hey all you pretties out there reading this blog!!
I will admit I haven't been on here, or writing for a while.
To be honest I kind of been on PT for ana stuff now. Not that its not good here, but i kind of like the live chat.
Everything is probably the same as it always is...i count every calorie, but never seem to get the strength to go and run and burn it off.
theres this girl who graduated with me last year, who has already had a baby! and she's like 18!!! I mean, isn't that a little soon??? Not to be prejudice on anyone else, but she kind of was always the shy one...people would always call me shy, but i thought that she was worse than me.
It's quite a shock actually, that something could happen like that, and i didn't even know...i mean, I sat beside her for like 4 years in band, we both played the clarinet, and when band trips came along, we would hang together in the mall and stuff.
My life hasn't even started yet.
I'm bored all the time.

that all must sould brutallyhonest, but if i don't write it all down here, then i have nowhere else to put it, and its not like a therapist is going to understand what im going through, like you guys are.
No one seems to understand about perfection, and how i crave the feeling of it.

Anyway...that probably seemed like a bunch of random stuff, but i hope it wasn't that bad.
I hope everyone who is reading this is doing good.

Best of luck, pretties!!
